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Latent Cause Analysis
Failsafe Network, Inc. © Copyright 2021

Developing Leaders for Life

Latent Cause Analysis™ 

Latent Cause Analysis™ (LCA) is a unique process used to understand the root causes of failures. The process goes far beyond the physics of the failure and far beyond the systemic issues.  It involves a life-changing experience where all involved “see” through a new perspective...

Beyond root cause, beyond human performance...

Beyond root cause, beyond human performance...

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Latent Cause Analysis truth

 ... and understand their contribution to the failure, where they are motivated to act on what they have seen. Consistent application of LCA will change work culture and promote personal accountability while eliminating future defects and improving your business.


IntroSpect™ is a streamlined learning method for individuals, groups, and families that we have developed over 40 years of learning from things that go wrong using Latent Cause Analysis™, root cause analysis, Just Culture, and Human Performance.  


IntroSpect™ will change you, and everyone else who experiences it.  Using it will eliminate BLAME, but ingrain INTROSPECTION resulting in developing Leaders for Life.

Latent Cause Analysis™

Latent Cause Analysis™ (LCA) is our FLAGSHIP methodology, and the foundation for our PREMIER TRAINING OPPORTUNITY -- The Latent Cause Experience™.

Ideal for organizations seeking to improve both human and organizational performance. LCA transforms the mindset of the organization by changing the way people perceive failure and its causes through a focus on understanding rather than blaming. This approach enhances communication, teaches a practical investigative method, and transforms work culture.


Synesis uses the concepts of LCA BEFORE an incident occurs.

Synesis is the intersection of LCA, HOP (Human and Organizational Performance), and Just Culture.

Synesis is a process used to develop organizational learning groups to help identify and address the true causes of At-Risk Behaviors, Latency.  This happens real time and results in lasting change because people see the need and desire to change, not because of an edict or reward.

"If you are in need of a culture shift, then you simply MUST experience Failsafe's products."

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